This course is suitable for:
- Application Consultant
- Business Process Owner / Team Lead / Power User
This course will prepare you to:
- Use the functions and know the possibilities for billing in sales.
- Make relevant customizing settings for the billing process in sales.
- Set up the billing interface between sales and financial accounting
Uwaga! Szkolenia autoryzowane przez SAP dostarczane w formule szkoleń otwartych, realizowane są w siedzibie SAP Polska przy ul. Wołoskiej 5 w Warszawie. Dla wybranych szkoleń możliwy jest udział zdalny.
- Szkolenie: polski
- Materiały: angielski
- Billing Documents in Sales and Distribution Processes
- Integrating Billing Documents in the Sales and Distribution Process
- Organizational Units
- Setting Up Organizational Units
- The Billing Process
- Controlling the Billing Process
- Special Billing Types
- Creating Billing Documents in Complaint Processing
- Creating Pro Forma and Cash Sales Invoices
- Data Flow
- Setting Up the Data Flow for Billing Documents
- Billing Document Creation
- Creating Billing Documents in different ways
- Types of Settlement
- Analyzing Invoice Combination and Invoice Split
- Setting Up Invoice Lists
- Special Business Processes
- Setting up of Billing Plans
- Processing Down Payments
- Processing Instalment Payments
- Account Determination
- Setting Up the Account Determination
- Interface Between Sales and Financial Accounting
- Adjusting the Interface Between Sales and Financial Accounting
- Appendix