This course is suitable for:
- Application Consultant
- Business Process Architect
- Business Process Owner/Team Lead/ Power User
- Industry Specialist
- Program/Project Manager
- Solution Architect
- This course will prepare you to:
- Handle all possible types of invoices in SAP S/4HANA
- Invoice Entry
- Explain the idea of invoice verification
- Post an invoice
- Use different types of invoice verification
- Park an invoice
- Explain the attributes of prepayment
- Enter taxes
- Enter cash discount information
- Post an invoice in foreign currency
- Enter an invoice for a purchase order with account assignment
- Enter invoices for a blanket purchase order
- Variances and Invoice Blocks
- Enter invoices with variances
- Block an invoice manually
- Reduce an invoice
- Post an invoice with a tolerated variance
- Release blocked invoices
- Subsequent Debit/Credit, Delivery Costs, and Credit Memos
- Enter subsequent debit
- Enter planned delivery costs
- Enter unplanned delivery costs
- Enter an invoice without reference to a purchase order
- Enter a credit memo
- Cancel an invoice
- Automated Processes in Invoice Verification
- Enter invoices for invoice verification in background
- Create invoices automatically from goods receipt data
- Execute vendor consignment settlement
- Execute an invoicing plan settlement
- Receive invoices via EDI
- GR/IR Account Maintenance
- Use GR/IR account maintenance functions
- Invoice Verification – Further Customizing
- Adjust further customizing settings in invoice verification
- Invoice Verification – Additional Topics
- Execute invoice verification for services
- Post invoices for purchase orders with down payments
- Post invoices for purchase orders with security retention
- Use new system messages
- Handle invoices with contract reference
Uwaga! Szkolenia autoryzowane przez SAP dostarczane w formule szkoleń otwartych, realizowane są w siedzibie SAP Polska przy ul. Wołoskiej 5 w Warszawie. Dla wybranych szkoleń możliwy jest udział zdalny.
- Szkolenie: polski
- Materiały: angielski