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SQL for Analysts

kod szkolenia: SQL02 / ENG AA 2d
training assurance
W celu uzyskania informacji skontaktuj się z działem handlowym. W celu uzyskania informacji skontaktuj się z działem handlowym.
1 700,00 PLN 2 091,00 PLN brutto

The school has been structured in such a way as to supplement the basic knowledge acquired independently or through previous participation in the SQL01 training. Its content is not only a collection of good practices, but also advanced queries and original expressions. People who use SQL on a daily basis, work as analysts or use SQL databases and want to learn and expand their skills will find something for themselves here.

  • You will learn good practices regarding the use of databases
  • You will understand how the different types of table joins work
  • You will see how to apply criteria and regular expressions
  • You will understand the professional vocabulary that will help you navigate the world of databases
  • You will learn how to use text and logical functions and how to perform operations on dates
  • You will learn how to use grouping and aggregation
  • You will learn good practices regarding the use of databases
  • You will become familiar with the ranking functions and the OVER function
  • You will understand how stored procedures and views work
  • You will see what is the difference between a CTE and a subquery
  1. The use of scheduling functions
    • Window function OVER()
    • ROW_NUMBER()
    • RANK()
    • DENSE_RANK()
    • NTILE(n)
  2. Non-standard data grouping
    • ROLLUP
    • CUBE
  3. Glossaries, sums, differences and set products
    • UNION
    • EXCEPT
  4. Selected functions
    • Text
    • Date and time
    • Mathematical
    • Converting
  5. The use of several sources and data combining
    • Subqueries
    • CTE (Common Table Expression) queries
    • The use of views
    • Temporary tables
  6. Creating parameterised stored procedures
  7. Downloading, sending data
    • data import
    • Sending SQL commands from VBA code in Excel (ADO Recordset)
  8. Performing an operation in a loop
  9. Navigating through records
    • LAG, LEAD
  10. Data transformation (PIVOT / UNPIVOT)
  11. Recursive CTE
  12. Incremental sum

Basic knowledge of SQL syntax (such as: SEL: ECT, FROM, JOIN, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, or ORDER BY)
