The training is addressed to people who deal with IT system security at the company, especially for Security Managers, SOC members, network and system admins.
At the training student is acquainted with IT security policy issues at the company, based on global standards and methods tested in huge corporations. The latest security technologies, which are compatible with requirements of Polish law in this area, will be presented during the training.
General IT knowledge from operational systems and network issues
- Training: English
- Materials: English
- 3 days of work with a trainer
- Trainer’s supervision
- Contact with community
- Coursebook
- Lab environment
Training method
- lecture
- workshops
- Introduction to the security topic
- What is IT security?
- Terminology
- Organizations and standards
- Criteria of evaluating the level of security
- Security Management
- Initiating IT security processes
- Formulating security procedures
- Dangers and securities considered while formulating security policy
- Cryptography and PKI environment
- Terminology and standardizing organizations
- Algorithms
- Hash functions
- Protocols and mechanisms for securing data transmission
- Data tunneling
- User authentication methods
- Kerberos
- Network and TCP/IP
- Introduction to TCP/IP
- Authentication methods in LAN networks
- Wireless network security
- Network scanning
- Network mapping
- Port Scanning
- Detecting OS
- Describing typical and current attack trends
- Types of attacks
- Prevention
- Sources of information about new types of attacks
- Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS)
- IDS host
- IDS network
- Firewalls
- Firewall types
- Actions and implementations
- VPN networks
- IPsec VPN
- Good practices
- Methods of verifying system’s integrity
- Collecting and securing logs
- What to monitor and how to do that?