The training is intended for the people who would like to learn how to develop web applications in SPA architecture on the basis of Vue framework.
- Practical working skills with Vue framework.
- Understanding SPA architecture.
- Updating the knowledge about JavaScript language to ES6+ version.
- Successful use of compilator, linter and builder on Node.js platform.
- Basic knowledge from the use of libraries to write unit tests.
- Node.js platform
- Characteristics and architecture
- Package management
- JavaScript ES.Next
- news / syntactic sugar
- useful structures in daily work with Vue
- Vue architecture
- Options and Composition API
- Vue implementation in existing project
- Single-File Components and Single Page Application building
- Standards of communication with back-end system
- Vue + Reactivity API
- Vue project scaffold, Vite
- Working with components, component state and events
- Using life-cycle methods
- Defining templates, dynamic CSS styles manipulation
- Communication between components, parent-child relation
- Forms handling
- Routing, navigations between components
- Creating and using directives
- Using plugins
- DOM and state Animations
- Communication with back-end API – AJAX requests
- Global state – introduction to Pinia
- Testing – introduction
- Test structure, test implementation
- Testing components
Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript on basic level.
- Training: English