IT Manager Academy I
training code: HR-IT-ZZ / AMIT_ENG_DL / EN
- people and interactions over processes and tools
- cooperation with a Client over negotiating contracts
IT Managers
Part I
- Developing a profile: a perfect team and leader – „dream team”.
- Acquaintance with features of a team with high potential.
- Adjusting management style to team members.
- Adjusting communication techniques to roles and preferences in a team.
- Conducting successful and development conversations with team employees.
- Mastering competencies from motivation.
Building and developing IT team
Stages of team development
The role of a leader in a team
Values and rules in a team
Team integration
Successful HPT team
IT team coordination
Team vision, goals and tasks
Setting, negotiating and communicating goals.
SMART and OKR methodologies
Delegating tasks
Monitoring and accounting for goals and tasks
Creating responsibility and self-organisation
Challenges of remote team coordination
Successful communication, namely what kind of communication?
Models and functions of communication
Elements of successful communication
Communication obstacles and their influence on management and leadership
Communication styles based on thinking styles
Levels of listening
Successful communication tools
Motivating the team
Facts and myths about motivation
Key motivators
Conducting motivating and developing conversations
Providing feedback
Assessment conversations
Coaching tools in manager’s work
Improving team members’ behaviour
Executing arrangements in a team
Manager’s difficult conversations
Good practices of remote communication
The training does not require any prior preparation.
- Training: English
- Materials: English