Show training

Domain Driven Design

training code: DDD / ENG DL 2d / EN
For more information, please contact the sales department. For more information, please contact the sales department.

Workshop is intended for groups who want to start using the Domain Driven Design tool to discover and specify knowledge about the business domain with which they are currently working/designing. During the training, group will learn techniques related to design (strategic DDD) and practical use in code (tactical DDD).

Participants know what DDD, Event Storming and Hexagonal Architecture are for and how they can be used in everyday work. Getting to know the tools will allow you not only to work with a development team, but also with business side (during domain exploration).

Agenda is flexible and depends on the client’s needs. We set the training program individually for each session.

  1. Event Storming
    • Theoretical introduction
    • Presentation of building blocks
    • Big Picture (phases and example session)
    • Process Modeling (additional building blocks explanation and example session)
    • Software Design ES (theoretical overview)
  2. Domain Driven Design
    • Theoretical introduction
    • Presentation of building blocks
    • Strategic DDD – presentation based on ES
  3. DDD tactical
    • Intro to hexagonal/ports and adapters architecture
    • Hex architecture good practices and principles
    • Live coding session
    • Where to use and when not to

Participant can be anyone from the project team (developers, analysts, project managers, product owners etc.)

Nice to have:
– software design patterns
– experience with event driven architectures (CQRS, EventSourcing)

  • Training: English