How to care for the interests of the IT team? ... or the practice of building relationships with other departments in the organization
training code: HR-IT-WSwZ / WspółprIT_ENG2d / ENHow to care for the interests of your department or team? How to communicate with representatives of other departments in the organization caring for own interests and at the same time not falling into the so-called silo thinking? Building relationships with employees from other departments is an art that requires both excellent communication skills, persuasion as well as understanding the position and needs of other people. Will allow the participants to equip themselves with the skills to build relationships between departments and take care of the interests of their team.
After completing the training, the participant can:
• deal with unrealistic tasks outsourced to IT by other departments
• defend the interests of the own team.
• deal with the manipulation of other people.
• use social impact techniques to defend the interests of the IT department.
• solve conflicts on the line of IT department – other departments.
• build long-term relationships with other departments.
• build a positive image of the IT department.
The training does not require any prior preparation.
- Training: English
- Materials: English
- IT department and other departments in the company
- The importance of the IT department in an IT company and in companies representing a different business profile: for example, production, service and trade
- Objectives of the IT department and company's long-term goals
- The objectives of the IT department and the goals of other departments
- A systematic look at the company's operation – loops of dependence between particular departments
- Work efficiency defence/protection in the IT team
- Negotiating tasks flowing to IT with representatives of other departments
- Assertive techniques of reaction and refusal
- Negotiating the terms of performing tasks by the IT department
- Coping with difficult situations in dealing with representatives of other departments
- Building relationships with employees from other departments
- Conflict situations in relations with employees of other departments
- The most frequent causes of conflicts between employees of IT departments and employees of other departments
- Phases and types of conflicts
- Strategies for responding to conflict
- Methods of resolving conflicts and reaching consensus
- When others do not act fair…
- Defence against manipulation used by employees of other departments
- Defence against illogical and inappropriate arguments from others – dealing with eristic argumentation
- Social influence – how to ethically influence others
- Planning effective work in the IT department
- Prioritization of activities taking into account the objectives of the IT department and the objectives of other departments
- Task management according to the natural planning model
- Estimating (time?) necessary to complete particular tasks – planning poker
- Building a relationship or long-term cooperation
- Tools for building relationships between the IT department and other departments in the company
- Building the image of the IT department
- Plans for the future – what can I do to make the IT department cooperate effectively with other departments in the company?