General conditions participation in trainings from 18.09.2024

I. On-Premises and Distance Learning Trainings

§ 1. Application

1.         Preliminary applications for participation in the courses offered by Altkom Akademia S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (further as Altkom Akademia) is understood as:

a.         Completing an application online by the Client (namely an ordering party of the training service in Altkom Akademia) on Altkom Akademia’s website or

b.         Sending Client’s applications via e-mail to Altkom Akademia’s Sales Representative or to selected Altkom Akademia’s training center.

2.         In case of online application or sending a message via email, during the following working day preceding the date of application, Altkom Akademia’s sales representative shall contact the Client by the Informant on the Client’s side (namely, a person mentioned in the Application Chart for classes as the Infromant on behalf of the Client, dedicated to contact Altkom Akademia ) to specify the class participation in detail.

3.         Having specified the scope and the date of the course with Altkom Akademia’s sales representative, it is mandatory to print out and complete the Application Form for classes, available at Altkom Akademia’s website or use Application Form received via email from sales representative.

a.         In case of natural entities, who are not self-employed, the Application Form must be signed by the person who would like to take part in the course (or legal custodian in case of underage people).

b.         In case of other entities, the Application Form must be signed by the person authorized to incurr financial liabilities, on behalf of the Client.

c.         The signature on the Application Form confirms the approval of “General condition of participating in Altkom Akademia S.A. classes”, including organizational and financial conditions of providing a service, as well as it entitles Altkom Akademia to issue an invoice.

4.         The condition of participating in the course is sending correctly completed the Application Form via fax or as a scan via e-mail to sales representative or Altkom Akademia S.A. training center, together with accepting “General conditions of participating in Altkom Akademia S.A. courses” at least 10 working days before the first day of the week, when the course will begin. Not sending correctly completed the Application Form or sending it within the date shorter than the one mentioned above shall not oblige Altkom Akademia to provide the training. Altkom Akademia accepts the Application Form after the due date only when availability of free places on the attendance list of the course, to which the application is referred to, is confirmed.

5.         Before starting the course, the Client via the Informant, will receive the confirmation of providing the course within the date agreed, by the phone or via e-mail.

6.         If a Framework Cooperation Agreement has not been signed between Altkom Akademia and the Client, the provisions of the abovementioned „General conditions of participating in Altkom Akademia S.A. courses” are applied provided they do not contradict the provisions of framework cooperation agreement which have priority.

§ 2. Payment conditions

1.         Payment for participating in the course should be settled on the basis of „General conditions of participating in Altkom Akademia S.A. courses” thereof.

2.         General terms and conditions of payment for On-site, remote or Distance Learning Trainings are as follows:

a.         Natural entities are obliged to issue via bank transfer 100% of the course price + VAT, at least 10 working days before the first day of the week when the classes will begin;

b.         in case of payment mentioned above, natural entities are obliged immediately to deliver confirmation of payment to sales representative or Altkom Akademia’s training center, via email;

c.         other entities are obliged to pay 100% course price + VAT on the basis of VAT invoice, issued by Altkom Akademia S.A. after completing the course, the payment has to be settled within the period specified in the contract;

3.         In case of the course the price of which has been put in euro, an invoice will be issued in PLN for a total sum equalling the price calculated according to the average euro rate announced by National Polish Bank, one working day preceding the date of issuing an invoice.

4.         In case of the classes provided by Altkom Akademia as a continuing education institution, the classes are subject to exemption from VAT.

5.         In case when the course is organized by Altkom Akademia shall not take place in the due date or in case of no free places within the date provided, the sums paid for the course, specified in the point 2a mentioned above or framework cooperation agreement, shall be considered by Altkom Akademia as the sums for participating in other classes organized by Altkom Akademia, agreed with Client or at his/her request. Altkom Akademia will reimburse the sum paid to the Client’s bank accounts within 7 working days since the date of recieving refund order from the Client, sent by e-mail.

§ 3. Resignation

1.         After sending the Application Form, the Informant may resign from participating in selected course, without bearing any costs, provided he or she will submit a resignation at least 10 working days before the first day of the week, subject to section 3 below.

2.         In case of resigning from the course 9 or less working days before the first day of the week, when the classes begin or on the first day of the classes (Absence), the Client is obliged to issue a payment comprising 100% the course price + VAT based on VAT invoice issued after the class’ completion, the payment shall be settled within 14 working days since the date of issuing VAT invoice.

3.         In case of resigning from participating in classes at least 10 working days before the first day of the week when the classes start, the participants who has received a handbook before starting the course, is obliged to return it within 7 working days since submitting a resignation, subject to section 5 below.

4.         In case of resigning from participation in classes at least 10 working days before the first day of the week when the classes begin, Altkom Akademia shall charge the Client with the costs of purchasing handbook in case of not returning it voluntarily, as well as with other costs concerning the training organisation.

5.         The information about resignation must be put in writing otherwise shall be null and void and may be sent by fax or as a scan via email to sales representative or Altkom Akademia’s training center where the classes take place.

§ 4. Organisational notes

1.         As part of payment for the course taking place in Altkom Akademia’s training centers, each participants is provided with:

On-premises training at the Altkom Akademia Training CentersDistance Learning
a dedicated training position *+
online training environment*+
appropriate training materials shared in a form and rules specified in section 8 below *++
lunch during a day (refers to whole day classes), coffee, tea and water during breaks+
free of charge, indefinite access to educational web portal Moja Akademia (further as „Portal”) ** following the conditions indicated in sections 9-14 below++

* Provided conditions and thorough course terms do not state otherwise.

** The rules of using the Portal by the participants are specified by the Portal terms of use at

2.         The courses provided by Altkom Akademia take place on-premises at selected Altkom Akademia’s training centers, outside Altkom Akademia’s training centers, in the Distance Learning form or remotely at Altkom Akademia’s training centers.

3.         The on-premises classes may take place at a location selected by Altkom Akademia which is not a permanent Altkom Akademia’s training center, followin the conditions specified below:

a.         Altkom Akademia is responsible for technical and organisational preparation of a selected place to conduct a training.

b.         The training location shall be in the administrative region (city) where Altkom Akademia’s training center is situated, to which the Client submitted a request to participate in the training.

c.         The precise address of the location where the training shall take place will be provided at least 3 working days before the training starts. The training location’s address shall be provided via e-mail or in an invitation from the Portal.

d.         In case of inability to conduct the training caused by Altkom Akademia, the Client has the right to attend the training once again in the other date or terminate the agreement, following the paragraph 2, point 6, excluding the clause of paragraph 8 point 1.

4.         On-premises course may also take place outside Altkom Akademia’s training centers, followin the conditions specified below:

a.         The trainings outside Altkom Akademia’s registered office are named as „trainings at Client’s office”, these are the trainings the location of which is indicated by the Ordering Party.

b.         The Ordering Party is obliged to specify technical and organisational conditions of the location he or she indicates, such as: classroom equipment, the rules of Internet access, the conditions of possible delivery or sending materials and hardware, if it is necessary to conduct classes, as well as collecting it after the training.

c.         Specifying technical and organisational requirements depends on the type and scope of the training. Actions undertaken by Altkom Akademia in order to provide the training shall be adequate to the training requirements and technical and organisational capabilities of the Ordering Party.

d.         The Ordering Party is responsible for fulfilling declared technical requirements concerning the training’s execution, within the time and location indicated by himself. If the requirements are not met, Altkom Akademia reserves the right to charge the Client with the full costs of the training, excluding paragraph 5, item 1.

5.         Participation in a remote classes or Distance Learning is to be understood as taking part in the classes conducted by the trainer live and broadcast in the real time, via Internet channel to the participants who is physically present at a different Altkom Akademia’s training center than the one where classes take place or at another location chosen by the Client.

a.         The participants of remote classes, via videoconferences, attends the course led by the trainer, and has an opportunity to communicate and interact with the trainer and a group, performs work in a real training environment, with a possibility of exercises and laboratories under expert’s supervision.

b.         The remote classes are formal in nature: they take place at a specific date and time and their course is fully controlled by the trainer.

c. Distance learning classes are conducted in accordance with the principles of respecting the personal rights of other training participants and the trainer as outlined in Article 23 of the Civil Code. Altkom Academia strictly forbids recording training sessions in the form of video recordings or taking screenshots.

d.         During the remote classes the Participant, who is at Altkom Akademia’s training center, has a laptop equipped with videocamera and microphone, which are used for two-way communication. Depending on the type of classes, the participants has access to proper devices, among others another PC computer used to perform laboratories. Within the duration of the classes the trainer has a possibility of online access to participant’s computer. The hardware is prepared according to the course requirements. For a Participant taking part in remote classes at Altkom Academia training centre, support is provided by a representative of Altkom Akademia.

e.         During the Distance Learning classes, the Participant who is at a location of his/her choice, outside the Altkom Akademia’s training center, in order to use the service properly, should have:

         PC computer or notebook equipped with microphone, speakers and Internet camera with the Internet browser operating on HTML 5.

         Screen

         Permanent Internet access.

f.          It is a condition of participation in a Distance Learning training that the webcam must be switched on to allow ongoing interaction between the trainer and the Participant, including eye contact. Altkom Akademia reserves the right to refuse to provide services if this requirement is not met.

g. The information in detail about obligatory and recommended technical requirements are available at and shall be provided by sales representative after submitting an applications form for the training.

h. Before starting the Distance Learning classes and remote clasees, the Participant and the Informant shall receive the confirmation of providing the Distance Learning or remoteclasses within the date scheduled by the phone or via e-mail. The participants is obliged to be present 15 minutes before the course starts.

6.         Altkom Akademia may cancel the classes or refuse to conduct them, especially when the reason are organisational difficulties or lack of sufficient number of volunteers. The Client shall be informed about the fact and the reason of cancelling the classes by Altkom Akademia via the Informant within the shortest date possible.

7.         All the costs related to commuting to the training center and accomodation shall bear the course Participants.

8.         The training materials related to the course (for example handbooks, presentations, exercises, tests) are shared with the training participants only in electronic form, via Portal, apart from the situation when the conditions of authorisation binding Akademia or other reasonable didactic needs require sharing the training materials in other form than the abovementioned.

9.         Altkom Akademia creates an individual user accounts for every training participants mentioned in the Application Form.

10.       The Client in the Application Form shall provide Altkom Akademia with an individual e-mail address of every course participant.

11.       The training participants is obliged to activate his/her accounts on the Portal.

12.       Not passing the information enabling to create user accounts for the course participant in the Application Form by the Client, as well as not activating the user’s accounts created by Altkom Akademia by the participant himself or failing to use the authorizations granted to the participants shall be synonymous with resigning to access the Portal, which comprises an element of Altkom Akademia’s service, by the participant. In such a case neither the training participants nor the Informant shall be entitled to any claims.

13.       Altkom Akademia reserves the right to refuse to provide services in case of not transferring data of the participants of the trainings which enable to create an account at the Portal.

14. Altkom Akademia reserves the right to record (in audio or video format) open-formula training sessions, however, video recording is limited to the trainer and presentation content.

II. E-learning training

§ 5. Application

1.         Preliminary applications for participation in the e-learning courses offered by Altkom Akademia S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (further as Altkom Akademia) is understood as:

a.         Completing an application online by the Client (namely an ordering party of the training service in Altkom Akademia) on Altkom Akademia’s website or

b.         Sending Client’s applications via e-mail to Altkom Akademia’s Sales Representative or to selected Altkom Akademia’s training center.

2. In case of online application or sending a message via email, during the following working day preceding the date of application, Altkom Akademia’s sales representative shall contact the Client by the Informant on the Client’s side (namely, a person mentioned in the Application Chart for classes as the Infromant on behalf of the Client, dedicated to contact Altkom Akademia ) in order to agree on the details of obtaining access to the e-learning course.

3. once the date for accessing the e-learning course has been agreed with the Altkom Akademia’s sales representative, print and complete the Application Form available on the Altkom Akademia website or use the Application Form received by email from the sales representative.

a. In case of natural entities, who are not self-employed, the Application Form must be signed by the person who would like to take part in the course (or legal custodian in case of underage people).

b.         In case of other entities, the Application Form must be signed by the person authorized to incurr financial liabilities, on behalf of the Client.

c.         The signature on the Application Form confirms the approval of “General condistion of participating in Altkom Akademia S.A. classes”, including organizational and financial conditions of providing a service, as well as it entitles Altkom Akademia to issue an invoice.

4. In order to obtain access to the e-learning training, it is necessary to send a duly completed Application Form in the form of a scan by e-mail to the sales representative or the Altkom Akademia training center, together with acceptance of the ” General conditions of participating in the course”. at least 3 working days before the first day of access to the e-learning training.

5. Prior to receiving access to the e-learning course, the Client will receive a confirmation by telephone or e-mail via the Informant.

§ 6. Payment conditions

1. Payment for participating in the course should be settled on the basis of „General conditions of participating in Altkom Akademia S.A. courses” thereof.

2. General terms and conditions of payment for e-learning trainings are as follows:

a. In order to receive access to the e-learning training, the Client must pay 100% of the e-learning training price + VAT by bank transfer at least 3 working days before the first day of access to the e-learning training;

b.         in case of payment mentioned above, the Client is obliged immediately to deliver confirmation of payment to sales representative or Altkom Akademia’s training center, via email.

3. In the case of e-learning training whose prices are given in Euro, the invoice will be issued in PLN for the sum equivalent to the price calculated according to the average Euro exchange rate announced by the National Bank of Poland on the last working day preceding the day of invoice issuance.

§ 7 Organisational notes

1. E-learning training provided by Altkom Akademia take place on the Academy e-learning platform:

2. Access to the Internet is a prerequisite for taking part in e-learning training on the Altkom Akademia platform.

3. Altkom Akademia shall set up an individual user account for each trainee listed in the Application Form.

4. The Client will provide Altkom Akademia with the individual email address of each trainee in the Enrolment Card, which will be active throughout the training.

5. The Trainee is required to activate an account on the e-learning platform.

6. Trainees have unlimited access to the e-learning platform (24/7) for the period for which the e-learning training has been purchased. The period of access to the e-learning training is calculated from the first day of access to the training.

III. Final provisions

§ 8

1.         Both parties reserve the right not to fulfill the provisions of the Agreements in cases of force majeure, which does not depend on Parties, such as natural disasters, natural catastrophes or failure of the Internet Service Providers (ISP).

2.         By signing the Application Form, the Client agrees to place and process his/her personal data included in the Application Form by Altkom Akademia S.A. following the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679 from 27th of April 2016 concerning the protection of natural entities due to personal data processing and regarding a free flow of such data, and the Act on Rendering Electronic Services from 18th of July 2002 (namely, from 15th of October 2013, Journal of Laws, item 1422) for the purposes connected with service providing. In case of providing personal data of the participants attending different classes than the Informant, the Client is obliged to have a consent of the participants to place and administer their personal data by Altkom Akademia S.A. within the area indicated above.

3. If the Application Form indicates personal data of Participants other than the Informant, the Informant undertakes to obtain the consent of these persons for the placement and administration of their personal data by Altkom Akademia to the extent indicated above in point 2 of this paragraph.

4. In the case of certain training programs offered by the Altkom Akademia that are subject to external examinations and certifications, it will be necessary for the participant to create an individual account and provide personal data to the external certifying body in order to complete the training and take the exam. In the examination process described above, the participant provides personal data necessary for the examination on their own, based on the legal basis and principles established by the external entity.

5. Altkom Akademia is not responsible for the validity of certificates issued to participants after passing examinations organized by external providers (vendors): PeopleCert, APMG, GASQ, PearsonVue, Microsoft, VMware, AWS, EC-Council, Cisco, SAP, SAS, Project Management Institute, SCRUMstudy etc.

6. For certain trainings conducted by the Akademia, participants may be required to create an individual account and provide personal data to a third-party company in order to participate in the training. In the process of gaining access to free training environments, participants independently provide the personal data necessary to create an account, based on the appropriate legal basis and in accordance with the principles defined by the third party.

7. All copyrights to the works presented as part of the training (in particular the course programme, the manner of its presentation and the exercises conducted as part of the training), as well as the educational materials used in the course, belong to Altkom Akademia and the Participant has the right to use them solely for the purpose of participating in the training.

8. It is prohibited to record, distribute, copy or make available the works presented within the training, the images and statements of the Participants and the trainers, as well as the educational materials. In particular, it is forbidden for the Participants to record the course of the training (both image and sound, in whole and in part) or otherwise record it, to take photographs (screenshots) of the training or to make transcriptions of the statements of the trainers and other Participants.

9. Prices of classes offered by Altkom Akademia are given in net amounts. Trainings (training courses, workshops and consultations) are subject to VAT at a rate of 23%, with the exception of trainings exempt from VAT on the basis of art. 43 par. 26 and pt. 29 of the Act of 11 March 2004 on Value Added Tax (Journal of Laws No. 54, item 535, consolidated text).

10. In case of declaring any provisions of “General conditions of participating in Altkom Akademia S.A. courses” as void or against the law, the validity of the remaining provisions remains unaffected.

11. Altkom Akademia reserves the right to introduce changes into “General conditions of participating in Altkom Akademia S.A. courses”. These changes are being published on Altkom Akademia’s website on regular basis. The current conditions on the day of sending the Application Form are binding.

12. All disputes due to providing the trainings indicated in the Apllication Form in case of the Clients who are not consumers within the meaning of the regulations of the Polish Law, shall be settled by Court of General Jurisdiction proper for Altkom Akademia’s registered office.

13. These General Terms and Conditions of Participation shall be effective from 18.09.2024.