As an Accredited Training and Examination Organization (ATO and AEO) for PRINCE2®, Altkom Academia conducts certification exams at Foundation and Practitioner level.
The exams are held online by purchasing a voucher. The online exam is carried out directly by the Accreditor – PeopleCert.
Online exam
The purchased voucher is valid for 6 months. After placing an order, the candidate will receive a voucher by e-mail with instructions on how to create an account and register for the exam. The candidate chooses an examination date that is convenient for him or her from among those provided by PeopleCert.
The online exam is conducted in the presence of a proctor – a person from PeopleCert, who remotely supervises the course of the exam. Passers are required to show their ID card and the environment in which they will take the exam.