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SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform– Administration and Security
kod szkolenia: SAP/BOE310 / Std
System architects/administrators who are new to SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform and will be responsible for maintaining SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform users, groups, and objectsin their organization.
The goal of this course is to teach you to perform key administrative tasks in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform to manage users, groups, objects, and distribute contents to users.
- What is SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
- Managing Content and Objects in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
- Securing Users and Groups in SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.
- Managing Application Security.
- Distributing Content Using Scheduling and Alerting.
- Publishing and Publications.
Course based on software release: SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0
- Windows conventions.
- Familiarity with Windows Server 2000/2003 administration and security concepts (global/local groups, and directory structure).
- Basic computer skills.
Uwaga! Szkolenia autoryzowane przez SAP dostarczane w formule szkoleń otwartych, realizowane są w siedzibie SAP Polska przy ul. Wołoskiej 5 w Warszawie. Dla wybranych szkoleń możliwy jest udział zdalny.
- Szkolenie: polski
- Materiały: angielski