The training is intended for people who would like to know the basics of database concepts in the cloud computing environment within the area of data services at Azure platform.
Moreover, the training is aimed at the people interested in taking „DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals” certification exam.
Gaining basic knowledge from data storage in cloud computing environment using data management services at Azure platform.
Participants gain the skills in the area of:
Describing basic data storage concepts in Azure
Presenting a concept of relational data storage in Azure
Presenting a concept of non-relational data storage in Azure
Identifying components of modern data warehouses in Azure
Acquaintance with basic data concepts
Studying basic concepts of data storage
Knowing the roles and duties in the world of data
Describing relational database concepts
Knowing the non-relational database concepts (NoSql)
Acquaintance with data analysis concept
Studying relational data in Azure
Acquaintance with the offers of relational data storage in Azure
Studying offers of relational base delivery and implementation Azure
Querying relatywną databases in Azure
Studying non-relational data in Azure
Acquaintance with offers of non-relational database storage in Azure
Acquaintance with non-relational database service delivery and implementation in Azure
Non-relational data warehouse management in Azure
Studying modern analytical data warehouse mechanisms in Azure
Reviewing modern database components
Acquaintance with data obtaining mechanisms Azure
Knowing the elements of data storage and processing in Azure
Basics of Architecting solutions with Power BI
The candidates should have the basic knowledge from database concepts.
An ability to use an operational system and Internet browser.
An ability to use English materials.
* podręcznik w formie elektronicznej dostępny na platformie:
Training: English
Materials: English
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