Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
training code: AZ-900 / ENG DL 1d / EN
Authorized training Microsoft Azure Fundamentals AZ-900 on-line course.
This course is for:
IT specialist
This one- day training is intended for the people interested in acquiring basic knowledge about cloud services and the way they are delivered from Microsoft Azure.
The course might be an optional first step to gain knowledge about Microsoft Azure cloud services before the participants start to attend next courses related to these services. The thematic scope can also be helpful in sales departments’ work and in IT companies’ marketing.
The course includes such issues as:
• basic knowledge about the concept of Azure platform;
• basic Azure platform services;
• basic solutions and management tools;
• general and network security;
• functions of management, privacy and compliance;
• managing costs of Azure platform and Service Level Agreements.
Attention: this course does not provide participation in practical classes
Gaining knwoledge from cloud with particular regard to Microsoft Azure cloud services offer. This includes acquaintance with:
General concepts of cloud computing, basic services available in Microsoft Azure, security, privacy, compatibility and trust in Microsoft Azure, prices and support models available in Microsoft company.
Training path 01: Cloud terms
Cloud computing
What is cloud processing
Shared responsibility
Cloud models
Capital and operational costs
Cloud benefits
Cloud benefits
Cloud services
IaaS, PaaS and SaaS
Training path 02: Azure services and architecture
Azure platform architecture components
Availability regions and zones
Subscriptions and resource groups
Calculations and networks
Calculation types
Application hosting
Virtual network
Storage services
Redundation types
File management and migration
Identity, access and security
Catalog services
Authentication methods
Security models
Training path 03: Management and supervision
Cost management
Cost and price calculators
Cost management and tags
Management and compatiblity
Blueprint, policies, resource locks
Service Trust Portal
Resource deployment tools
Portal, PowerShell, CLI and other
Azure Arc and Azure Resource Manager
Monitoring tools
Azure Advisor, Azure Service Health and Azure Monitor
There are no prerequisites to attend the course. Technical experience in IT area is not required, however, general knowledge or IT experience would be beneficial.
An ability to use English language materials
Training methood:
100% theory
manual in electronic form available on the platform:
access to Altkom Akademia's student portal
Training: English
Materials: English
After the AZ-900 course, you can take Microsoft certification exams:an Authorized Test Center,online being monitored by an offsite proctor. Details on the website: