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FitSM® Expert Bridge - accredited training with exam

training code: ZP-FitSM-EBen / ENG DL 3d / EN

FitSM® is a free and lightweight standards family aimed at facilitating service management in IT service provision.

The FitSM® standard and associated certification scheme are maintained by the ITEMO (IT Education Management Organisation) FitSM® working group. The FitSM® standard was initially developed through the FedSM Project, funded by the European Commission.

FitSM® is designed to be compatible with ISO/IEC 20000-1 (requirements for a service management system) international standard and ITIL®. The FitSM® process model, requirements, recommended activities and role model targets a lightweight implementation. Equally, it can be applied as a first step to introducing full ITSM, i.e. applying ITIL® good practices and/or achieving compliance against ISO/IEC 20000-1.

The aim of a training project

  • Create a clear, pragmatic, lightweight and achievable standard that allows for effective IT service management (ITSM)
  • Offer a version of ITSM which is more accessible for a wider range of environments than traditional ITSM solutions, including federated scenarios
  • Provide solutions which can be efficiently implemented in organisations ranging from SMEs and start-ups through to large enterprises
  • Define a baseline of ITSM effectiveness that is achievable but can be expanded if necessary
training assurance
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The training is addressed to:

  • For special audiences / people who are already “ITSM professionals”, side entry options are available to go through FitSM qualification quicker and achieve FitSM certification with less effort.

FitSM® training and certification will:

  • Support organizations in achieving the first step towards implementing the full set of IT Service Management processes
  • Enhance an organization’s provision of IT services using a concise, lightweight and achievable ITSM standard
  • Help organizations apply effective ITSM processes in federated environments, where services are managed in cooperation with competing or disparate organizations
  • Implement the foundations of effective ITSM processes in instances where it is not necessary to implement detailed processes prescribed by other frameworks (e.g. ISO/IEC 20000 and ITIL®)
  1. ITSM & FitSM® general overview
  2. “Selected topics” from the FitSM® Advanced level trainings:
  3. General aspects of establishing a service management system (SMS)
  4. ITSM processes for the planning and delivery of services
  5. ITSM processes for the operation and control of services
  6. ITSM process interfaces and dependencies
  7. “Selected topics” from the FitSM® Expert training:
  8. Understanding the organisational context
  9. Leadership and governance
  10. Planning and implementing ITSM (PLAN, DO)
  11. Monitoring, reviewing and improving ITSM (CHECK, ACT)

*This side entry course combines both Advanced levels and the Expert level into 3 days.

One of the following three certifications is required:

  • Holders of the “ITIL® Expert” certificate issued by a recognised certification authority / examination institute
  • Holders of the “Consultant/Manager in ITSM according to ISO/IEC 20000” certificate
  • Holders of the “Associate in ITSM according to ISO/IEC 20000” certificate
  • Training: English
  • Materials: English
  • Exam: English

Both exams required!

1) Advanced “Bridge” Exam – FitSM® Advanced Bridge

  • 60 minutes
  • Closed book, i.e. no aids are allowed
  • 30 multiple choice questions taking a mix from SPD and SOC (four possible answers for each question – A, B, C, D)
  • At least 70% of the maximum score required to pass the examination (21 of 30)

2) Expert Exam – FitSM® Expert

  • 75 minutes
  • Closed book, i.e. no aids are allowed
  • 30 multiple choice questions (six possible answers for each question, each answer may either be true or false)
  • At least 75% of the maximum score required to pass the examination

Upon successfully passing both exams a single FitSM Expert Certificate is achieved.