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Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure

training code: DP-100 / ENG DL 3d / EN
Authorized training Microsoft Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure DP-100 on-line course. This course is for data scientists
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4,300.00 PLN 5,289.00 PLN with TAX

The training is intended for people interested in broadening their knowledge and skills within the area of machine learning models, especially it is aimed at scientists dealing with data and people responsible for trainings and implementing machine learning models.

The course includes such topics as:

  • the process of data science and the role of data scientist, it is then used to understand how Azure services might support and extend the process of data science
  • the use of Azure Machine Learning service to automate end-to-end process of data learning
  • Machine Learning Process and how AutoML and HyperDrive services of Azure Machine Learning might automate some of its laborous parts
  • Automatic management of monitoring Machine Learning models in Azure Machine Learning service

Obtaining necessary knowledge about the use of Azure services for development, training and implementing solutions for Machine Learning. The course starts with the review of Azure services handling data science. From this moment onward it focuses on using Azure Machine Learning service, the most important service to learn Azure data in order to automate data learning process.

The course focuses on Azure platform and does not teach the student how to invent data science. It is assumed that students already know about it.

  1. Learning data on Azure platform

    • Introduction to Data Science process
    • Discussing Azure Data Science options
    • Presenting Azure notebooks
  2. Data science using Azure Machine Learning service

    • Acquaintance with Azure Machine Learning (AML) service
    • Registering and implementing ML models with AML service
  3. Machine Learning Automation using Azure Machine Learning service

    • Automating Machine Learning Model
    • Automating hyperparameter tuning using HyperDrive
  4. Managing and monitoring Machine Learning Models using Azure Machine Learning service

    • Managing and monitoring Machine Learning

People attending the training should have the knowledge about Azure basics, data science, including how to prepare data, train the models and assess competitive models in order to choose the best one, as well as develop in Python programming language and use Python libraries: pand, scikit-learn, matplotlib and seaborn.

 An ability to use the materials in English language.


To increase the comfort of work and training’s effectiveness we suggest using an additional monitor. The lack of additional monitor does not exclude participation in the training, however, it significantly influences the comfort of work during classes.

  • Training: English
  • Materials: English



After the DP-100 course, you can take Microsoft certification exams:an Authorized Test Center,online being monitored by an offsite proctor. Details on the website: