
Altkom Digital Competence Certificate level 1 (ADCC-01) confirms the acquisition of digital competences in accordance with the Digital Competence Framework (DIGCOMP) at the foundation level.

This certificate confirms having basic computer skills that allow its owner to use available digital technologies in everyday life in order to handle various tasks more quickly and conveniently. The certificate confirms the acquisition of competences in the field of information, communication, content creation, security and troubleshooting related to using computers and the Internet.

The Foundation Digital Competence training course preceding the certification exam is addressed to individuals who do not have any computer and digital skills, but who want to acquire basic skills in this area, for example to improve their qualifications on the labor market.

The exam is computer-based and its substantive scope includes the training course agenda, it is conducted using a dedicated examination application. The exam lasts 90 minutes and is conducted under the supervision of an accredited examiner.